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Sustainable Business Strategy

A sustainable business generates profits for its owners, protects the environment, and improves the lives of the people with whom it interacts. This course introduces you to sustainability and how to create sustainable business practices in today’s marketplace.


Addressed to

  • Estudiantes de 4to a 8vo semestre del programa de Administración de Empresas, Negocios Internacionales, Marketing y Negocios Digitales y Emprendimiento, y Logística y producción.


The goal of this course is to develop a good understanding between theory and practice with a focus on sustainability strategies.

  • Students will learn the connections between the environment and sustainability, the good-business arguments for why an organization should embrace sustainable management, the role government regulation plays in sustainability efforts.
  • Students will be able to apply sustainability management principles in the workplace, apply the triple bottom line (TBL) model and its three pillars of “People, Planet, and Profits” within an organization; and recognize and implement best practices for measuring sustainable management efforts.

Aimed to

- Students from 4th to 8th semester of:  Administración de Empresas, Negocios Internacionales, Marketing y Negocios Digitales, Emprendimiento y Logística y Producción
- Members of Cladea
- People who are interested on strengthening their knowledge about Strategy and Management


The classes will be taught in remote access by Zoom platform. The activities are about study cases, slides and comparative analysis


Los participantes obtendrán herramientas prácticas para la protección de grupos vulnerables en los ámbitos locales y regionales, aprendiendo de abogados internacionales las más recientes tendencias procesales y estándares de protección de grupos vulnerables.

El formato taller y la evaluación por competencias permite facilitar los procesos de comprensión y asociación, comparación e integración de los contenidos. Haciéndose especial hincapié en destrezas como la oratoria, la argumentación y la producción de textos jurídico- argumentativos. Este proceso contribuye a lograr capacidades que tienden a integrarse en las competencias del perfil.





María de las Mercedes Anderson

María de las Mercedes Anderson


Dates: From June 5 to June 16
Week 1: June 5, 7, 9 and 10
Week 2: June 12, 14 and 16

Schedule: From 8:00 to 14:00
*Verify the schedule on the academic board
Modality: Remote Access
School: School of management
Number of hours:32 hours

Type of offer: Course
Taking this course, you will be able to approve one of the following subjects: *It applies to Rosario students:
1. Strategy (obligatoria):Code:10810012 - 2 credits
2. Electiva internacional: Code:18610499 - 2 credits
3. Electiva internacional: Code: 18610498 - 2 credits
4. Escuela de Verano: Code: 16910067 - 1 credit
5. Escuela de Verano: Code: 16910068 - 2 credits
Language: English
Price: $1.658.000 COP – 345 USD aprox.
- 10% Rosario Community
- 10% International Community
- 10% Cash Discount before May 22nd
- 5% Graduate Alumni: Former students of Summer School

The student will obtain:
- Certificate of participation.
- Certificate of grades. 1
- Digital badge. 2

1. Subject to the presentation and approval of the deliverables with a grade of 3.0.
2. Subject to the presentation and approval of deliverables with a grade of 4.0.

Organizing committee

- La coordinadora administrativa Natalia María Sánchez Vivares es profesional en Relaciones Internacionales, Especialista en Gerencia de Empresas y Magister en Asuntos Internacionales. Cuenta con amplia experiencia en estructuración de insumos académicos y en internacionalización de la educación. Actualmente es la Coordinadora de Oferta Académica Internacional de la Cancillería de la Universidad del Rosario.

Correo electrónico:


Schedule: 8:00 a 14:00
Intensity:6 Hours
Do you take decisions?
- The environment's importance in decision-making and its relevance in crisis times.
- Description, types, and classification of the general and specific environment. Measurement and management of environmental stresses.
- Strategic identification of the sector, analysis of the industry, competitors, market forces, and overcrowding evidence.
- Analysis of competitive scenarios.
- Environmental decision making and sustainable development.
María de las Mercedes Anderson
Modality: Remote Access