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Dual Degree Program with the Institute of Political Studies of Bordeaux (IEP)

The Faculty of International, Political, and Urban Studies offers its undergraduate students the possibility to study the dual degree program with the Institute of Political Studies of Bordeaux (IEP).

Through this program, students who have studied and passed the sixth semester of their program of studies, or who have studied and passed 75% of credits of one of the undergraduate programs of the Faculty of International, Political and Urban Studies, will be able to advance their studies in Sciences Po Bordeaux by a year and a half and obtain both the Diploma of Sciences Po Bordeaux (equivalent to a master’s degree), as well as a degree in political science, international relations, and/or urban management and development from the Universidad del Rosario. This requires prior approval of the requirements established by both institutions.

Applications for the dual degree program open annually (January to March), and admitted students will begin the year immediately after applying to begin studies in the second semester of the first year of the master’s (M1), which begins in January.


Departamento de Gobierno (Department of Government)

Cualquiera de las maestrías tendrá una duración de 3 semestres y un semestre de pasantía obligatorio para la obtención del título en la institución de destino (la pasantía puede realizarse en Colombia o en el exterior, según preferencia del estudiante y con previa aprobación de IEP Bordeaux).



   Mayor información:
Ana María Franco Combita
Coordinadora de Internacionalización y Relacionamiento
Facultad de Estudios Internacionales, Políticos y Urbanos