With the influx of international students as well as the increase in COIL exchanges, how can we as professors, capitalize on the opportunity to open space so that our students maximize not only discipline-centered learnings but also intercultural competencies? In this course, we will enhance our understanding as to how culture & diversity shape our verbal and non-verbal communication styles; how we prefer to persuade; our cultural preferences for providing and receiving feedback; our inclinations around how we structure our time and our schedules; as well as our approaches to power, authority, and hierarchies. We will then harness PBL to implement our newfound knowledge of intercultural communication and global competencies into a COIL encounter in our classrooms.
Required level: B1-B2
Subline: Approach and method
Fechas y horarios
10, 17, 24 y 31 de agosto y el 7 de septiembre de 4 a 6 p.m