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MAX PLANCK TANDEM GROUP - Earth System Science

We are seeking candidates for the position of the Principal investigator (PI), with the title of MAX PLANCK TANDEM GROUP LEADER (MPTGL)-Associate Professor. The candidate must be at the beginning of a successful scientific career with at least three years of postdoctoral experience, and be highly motivated to develop and carry out a competitive research program at the international level.

Other than the research activities, responsibilities include high-impact publications and the supervision of postdocs, students and technicians. Solid, sustainable ties of collaboration will be developed between the Tandem Groups within their host institution (Universidad del Rosario, Colombia), other universities and research institutes, and the Max Planck Institutes that are part of the Agreement.

The salary of the position is highly competitive according to local standards. Additional funds will be allocated for staff, supplies and research equipment. The successful candidate will be appointed as faculty of the Earth System Science’s (ESS) program at Universidad del Rosario. Candidates are expected to have a Ph.D. in ESS, ideally in Biogeochemistry or other related disciplines. We look for candidates who have demonstrated their contributions to the advancement of ESS with an outstanding publication record and research experience in subjects such as: dynamics of the biological, chemical, and physical processes in terrestrial systems with the geosphere, hydrosphere, atmosphere and biosphere, modeling of human-environment interactions, Earth system responses to anthropogenic changes, or similar subjects. Extensive interdisciplinary research and project management experience, teaching experience, teamwork skills, mentoring and fostering of faculty members, and success with extramural funding are also highly valued.

Applications, including a curriculum vitae, list of publications, reprints of three selected papers, a two-page description of scientific achievements, a two-page research plan and two letters of recommendation should be sent electronically as one pdf file to: Natural Sciences Faculty and Andreas Trepte Max Planck Liaison Office for Latin America, latam (at)

Deadline for registration will be January 31 2021. Short-listed candidates will be invited to a selection symposium via videoconference in the dates defined by the Selection Committee, at which they will have the opportunity to present their research. For further information and detailed instructions, see and